(Tip Of The Hat: Syama Ramasamy)

This couple is legally married, and the state of Florida thinks their marriage is perfectly dandy. Florida schoolchildren are being taught that their marriage is just as good as anyone else’s — except for gay people. Because, you know, that’s a much bigger threat to marriage than people who have sex with dogs and with 15-year-old family friends.
Transgender: One whose psychological gender is opposite to his/her biological gender
Transsexual: A transgender who has chosen to live ones life as the opposite sex
Transvestite: A person who dresses up as the opposite gender for performances & etc
Alas, it is still far off. “One whose psychological gender is opposite to his/her biological gender” is actually the definition of a transsexual, not transgender. And a transsexual do not choose to live ones life as the opposite sex. It is already imprinted in the brain sex as the psychological gender.
At least, he now has got “transvestite” correct, which is commendable to one extent.
Now, if only he understands the real definitions, in the easiest to read form:
Transgender (TG):
A term used to include transsexuals, transgenderists and transvestites/ Crossdressers.
Transsexual (TS):
A person who feels a consistent and overwhelming desire to transition and fulfill their lives as members of the opposite gender. These individuals have usually been diagnosed as such, by a psychologist or psychiatrist as having GID. Most transsexuals actively desire and complete Sexual-Reassignment Surgery. Transsexuals live or are in the process of living full time as the opposite gender, whether non, pre or post-op.
Transvestite (TV):
The Latin and clinical name for "Crossdresser". A person who dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex for fetishistic reasons and has no desire to transition.
Or better still. Stop even mentioning anything about transgenders, especially when he is not an authority on transgenders, parrots his own opinions as “education”, and knows nothing about transgenders. Heck, he does not even have sources to put forth. Well what do you expect, when he believes in the dismissed-even-by-PFOX-and-NARTH-Richard-Cohen; and also quotes religious biased “research” from NARTH. I guess he will never use peer-previewed research from respectable medical professionals and scientists on boards with scientific authority, especially when it will tear his dogmatic teachings apart.
But what can you expect from a person who thinks homosexuality is nothing but an activity, a “lifestyle”? I guess illogical and irrational thinking take time to “cure”.
the act of confusing.
the state of being confused.
disorder; upheaval; tumult; chaos: The army retreated in confusion.
lack of clearness or distinctness: a confusion in his mind between right and wrong.
perplexity; bewilderment: The more difficult questions left us in complete confusion.
embarrassment or abashment: He blushed in confusion
Psychiatry. a disturbed mental state; disorientation.
Archaic. defeat, overthrow, or ruin.
The research confirmed that transsexuality was not a lifestyle decision, as some had suggested, said another team member, Trudy Kennedy, the director of the Monash Gender Dysphoria Clinic in Melbourne.
"This is in line with what we previously know about masculinisation of the brain and is therefore less likely to be a chance finding", he says. "Hence, the study is important and adds to the notion that gender identity is influenced by sex hormones early in life, and that certain gene combinations make individuals more vulnerable to aberrant effects."
“Our findings may explain why we feel male or female, regardless of our actual anatomy,” Vilain said. “These discoveries lend credence to the idea that being transgender — feeling that one has been born into the body of the wrong sex — is a state of mind.
The number of neurons in the BSTc of male-to-female transsexuals was similar to that of the females (P = 0.83). In contrast, the neuron number of a female-to-male transsexual was found to be in the male range. Hormone treatment or sex hormone level variations in adulthood did not seem to have influenced BSTc neuron numbers. The present findings of somatostatin neuronal sex differences in the BSTc and its sex reversal in the transsexual brain clearly support the paradigm that in transsexuals sexual differentiation of the brain and genitals may go into opposite directions and point to a neurobiological basis of gender identity disorder.
Many members of the LGBT were preoccupied with work for the coming World Aids Day 2008. Many more were unable to make it on that weekend. But it was a day to remember for the 20 plus people who came for the inaugural Transgender Day of
Remembrance 2008 in Malaysia. It was a day people will talk about; a day of mourning and hope for a better future for us who are different. Some were curious straights while some were just there to watch the movie due to be shown. But all of them left with the message in tact, one that prays for compassion and a wish to be loved for who we are.
Read more here.
WHY do lelaki lembut (effeminate men) become mak nyah (transvestites)?
This question was posed by Datuk Halimah Mohd Sadique (BN-Tenggara) to Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Noriah Kasnon in the Dewan Rakyat today.
Noriah said she did not have the answer because the ministry did not have a study on the matter. Besides, there has been no other study on the number of effeminate men who ended up being transvestites.
“I’m sorry we do not have the figure as this group (effeminate men) has yet to become our target group. And we have not made any study on this group. But InsyaAllah (God willing), we will try to look into this matter in future," Noriah said.
“Actually, I think, it all started from education at home. And also peer group interactions, the strong influence of today’s borderless technology as well as frustrations from past relations with the opposite sex."
Halimah also asked whether the ministry has failed in its rehabilitation programmes resulting in people in this situation going back to their previous activities even after going through rehabilitations.
To this, Noriah said the programmes for mak nyah were not a total failure.
“This group has a very low self-esteem. They are afraid to be approached and always worried about the social stigma that has never stopped against them," she said.
“It is difficult for them to quickly come back to the right path even with the help and social service support from our centres."
Noriah said although there is still a lot to be done, many of the mak nyah have realised their mistakes and started to take up classes to build up their skills such as
in sewing and handicraft, as well as working at the cosmetic sections in the shopping complexes.
She also lamented that the ministry did not get any support from the corporate sector and suggested that they take up the issue as a corporate social responsibility.
Earlier, Noriah told Dr Lo’ Lo’ Mohd Ghazali (PAS-Titiwangsa) the ministry provides social support to those in the community who need its help, including women who have gone astray, and mak nyah.
For girls below 18 exposed to or are involved in immoral sexual activities, the ministry provides protection in an institution called Taman Seri Puteri.
The Social Welfare Development also has allocated a launching grant of up to RM2,700 each for those interested to start small-time businesses, she said.
Not content with calling me with the wrong pronouns, and also claiming I am an “instrument of the devil”, the very nice trans-bigoted couple Sister Edmund Smith (really a sister of mine! He calls himself Alicia in the comments! I really believe Sister Edmund is a closet transvestite.) and Brother Amuamanda Smith decided to drop by to Tilted World today to state their case against me. While posing as Edison Chong (the e-mail was recorded as Amuamanda’s. Really a brother!), He/She goes to this we love gays so much that they come to us automatically to change without force. Wow. That sounds so… duh!
Then Alicia (Sister Edmund in disguise according to the e-mail address, and with the same IP address as Brother Amuamanda’s post), delivered this shocking transphobic attack:
Yuki is a LIAR! I know that freak. Do not help him!!!
And that earns Real Love Ministry not only the title of “real true bull transphobics ministry”, they even earn spotlight on my new column: Transphobication Of The Day!
I am sorry I can’t help out with any advice regarding immigration. Vivienne and I split up. Some days before her operations were due she started to behave really strangely and I had to cancel for her own sake. But she also had some other very serious issues before this, that I was hoping we could deal with. Unfortunately they were too serious. I’m fine though. Resigned to being alone for the time being. No big. I wish you and Chris all the best. (emphasis mine)
Behaving really strangely? Cancelling the operation for my own sake? I had some very serious issues? He went on to imply in e-mail today that I insulted him and that I treated him as though he was stupid. And all I asked for was some money to support myself further because I am not in a good state with medical and financial issues. I have resisted myself asking for alimony from him even though I have a strong case. I still care for him.
After reading several sources about Jehovah’s Witnesses, I am starting to feel sorry for him. He did not have a good past, his childhood was nothing but a trip around Australia in a caravan with an overbearing mother and a drunkard father. Then his youth was entrapped within four walls he thought was home. He thinks he is happy and felt accepted by "friends". How to treat a girl right is far away from his dictionary, let alone how to be a husband.
The peculiar thing was that for a few times he actually admitted his days in the Jehovah’s Witnesses screwed him up, then changes his mind to silence. But even as a person obsessed with White Hopi prophecies, the retention of his values as a JW within him never went away. The quest for peace in this world. That secret place where there is no war. A hunger for fulfillment in life. It is unfortunate he is looking for it at the wrong places.
I married an actual Jehovah’s Witness man. That was a mistake. There is nothing I can do about it. The deep misogyny I experienced shall never be forgotten. He may even be reading this and hurl accusations of “insult” and “abuse”. But he can never escape this fact. He made promises worth life / death to his wife. He broke them 5 days before the biggest of promises. Also blame his wife for this and that. Then seeks approval from his “brothers”.
He is now with his ex-wife who is inflicted with Cerebral Palsy. The living conditions for her are horrendous, and I recall him talking as if he is the only sane carer in Australia, and is keeping her because of the fear she would be abused by other carers. Probably another self-righteous lie I guess. Actually, maybe this is the case. Cerebral Palsy women are easier to control for him. Smart and thinking women are too much for him to handle.
Yuki's Choice Reading:
A Ministry of Misery: Mental Illness and the Jehovah's Witnesses
KOTA BARU: The National Fatwa Council has ruled that tomboyism, where a girl behaves or dresses in a boyish manner, is forbidden in Islam.
Its chairman Datuk Dr Abdul Shukor Husin said the decision was prompted by recent developments as there had been cases of young women inclined to behave like men and indulging in homosexuality.
Parents must stop their children from indulging in disruptive activities that are against Islamic teachings, he told reporters here yesterday. -Bernama-
"It's my little oddity that I'm really proud of... It
makes me different...."
"Please don't. I have a family..." were her last words. Powerful documentary Trained in the Ways of Men explores the controversial events surrounding the violent murder of Gwen Araujo in Newark, California—a murder that shocked the country when it made national headlines.
From CNN to The New York Times, the case attracted famous attorneys, spawned a made-for-TV movie, compelled almost 1000 people to attend Gwen Araujo's memorial service and thousands more to march in the streets demanding justice. Trained in the Ways of Men is an exploration of the provocative complexities of gender identity; what does it mean to be a man or a woman?
Leaving no stone unturned, Director Shelly Prevost scrupulously examines the murder trial and provides numerous interviews with Gwen Araujo's mother Sylvia and the attorneys involved in the case. Trained in the Ways of Men ultimately encourages us to turn the camera on ourselves and unearth our own buried prejudices and fears.
Buy the DVD at Cinequest Online
Watch Trained in the Ways of Men on Jaman NOW
The term semi-vegetarian is usually used to describe someone who is a vegetarian who consumes dairy products, eggs, chicken, and fish, but does not consume other animal flesh.
Ovo-lacto vegetarians are vegetarians who do not consume meat, poultry, fish, and seafood, but do consume eggs and milk. This is the largest group of vegetarians.
Ovo-vegetarian is a term used to describe someone who would be a vegan if they did not consume eggs.
Lacto-vegetarian is a term used to describe someone who would be a vegan if they did not consume milk.
Vegan is the strictest sub-category of vegetarians. Vegans do not consume any animal products or by-products. Some go as far as not even consuming honey and yeast. Others do not wear any clothing made from animal products.Important: Take some time to figure out for yourself, what group you will
belong to when you become a vegetarian. You will want to consider both dietary
and ethical reasons for choosing this lifestyle.
Tell The Radio Hall of Fame To Not Honor James Dobson.
The Museum of Broadcast Communications has announced it will induct right wing extremist James Dobson into its Radio Hall of Fame. Dobson runs a so-called ex-gay program and has said that allowing gay people to marry will destroy the earth. In the past two years, at least seven researchers in three countries have accused Dobson of
distorting their research to back his anti-gay teachings.
Unless the Museum reverses its outrageous and offensive decision to honor this dishonest demagogue, Truth Wins Out will join the Gay Liberation Network and a coalition of Chicago organizations to protest the annual Radio Hall of Fame awards dinner.
The protest is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 8, 5:30 PM 7:30 PM, at the Renaissance Chicago Hotel, 1 W Wacker Drive.
E-Mail Radio Hall of Fame CEO Bruce Dumont, brucedumont@museum.tv, and urge him to withdraw Dobsons honor.
Original air date on CAN-TV, cable access in Chicago: August 8, 2008.