Unknown to many and known to some, two weeks ago I had a huge SMS argument with my Extra-Terrestrial obsessed, Jehovah's Witness man going to be ex-husband. Many questions went unanswered by him again, and once he failed to address the issues I presented to him, it was clear that he was lying to me all along about a lot of things. Again, after being unable to answer my queries, he accused me of “abusing” him. Once more, he ran away from the truth.
His advocacy work (which he told me is all he has) has also become questionable since his ET lunacy. Except being self-absorbed and wanting to be famous, he did nothing for the LGBT community. All the man I thought I needed has become the very man any women should avoid. And rising above the blaming games, I take responsibility. I trusted him. I chose him. I married him. I made the bad decision. Big mistake. It is my fault. Now I must start over from square one.
He mentioned that I am disrespectful to his “beliefs” (in UFOs), but unfortunately he is just too blind to see the REALITY of his loving wife's existence which he chose to do away with, and instead takes comfort in the FANTASY of unproven yet and again UFO junky theories that will probably follow him to his lonely grave. Well, he was insanely telling everyone that aliens would come last year. They did not. Before that he kicked me out of his life; perhaps I am now at the end of my misery. 9 months on, today, I proudly kicked away my wedding ring. Feels good.