Monday, October 5, 2009

Some Unpleasant News Regarding My Estranged Husband.

This came in today on the commentary section of my older post about my husband and Jehovah's Witnesses:

Robbie/Rachel was picked up by the health department of Darwin. They were in shock because Robbie/Rachel was stuck in the wheel chair...the flesh and the chair had grown together as one. He had to be airlifted to a special hospital. Sam was not allowed near Robbie for a while. Not sure what the update on either is now. Authorities were called because we felt concern for Robbie's safety. It seems Sam had been taking Robbie's government checks and spending it on other things besides on Robbie's care. The government is trying to track his spending.

I find this very disturbing. Robbie/Rachel (Sam's ex-wife who is a trans woman inflicted with cerebral palsy) was supposed to be the only friend Sam's got left. I must admit I am worried for both of them. I am already prepared to reject looking backwards and stare forward into my new life, but the mystery surrounding Sam whom the last time I spoke to him was still hooked on UFOs and Hopi Prophecies, continues to bother me a lot. The rational man I married is getting more and more distant in my memory and what is left are bits and pieces that are unexplained. Was his rodent business failing? Was it Rachel's money (that he claimed was used to pay the rent) actually spent on me? What happened when our housemate left? Where is Sam right now?

His website is no longer active and his personal blogsite has not been updated for more than a year, his last post being about UFOs. He should have gotten a chunk off the money he placed on my operation back, and he was doing fine with his rodent business when I left back to Malaysia. I do not know. My world collapsed after he dumped me in Thailand. And I do not know what to do with this emotional baggage. I mean, whatever happens, even with mightiest of promises he broke, I only have one husband. But I am confused, as what Sam told me was that the Darwin government was doing a bad job for his ex-wife, which was why she was staying with us. And we are not divorced yet.

I hope this is not a practical joke. I appeal to "Lex Talionis", whose blogger profile is disabled, and the rest like "damn right" and "Acquaintance of Sam", to please come forward and tell me more on what is going on right now. I came so far to let him go and out of my life to move on, but I find this situation confusing. Yes, I do hate him for what he had done to me, but he is the only man I ever once loved.


we know said...

Robbie was hospitalized and had to be surgically removed from his wheelchair. He is not a transwoman, he was brainwashed by your wonderful Sam for sexual control purposes.

You were there and you saw the living conditions, and despite that, you still wanted your greedy hands in Robbie's money. You knew it wasn't Sam's money that was going to pay for your SRS. You saw the abuse and the sick living conditions and yet you did NOTHING to help another human being. You are just as messed up as Sam and your karma is continuously coming back to you. Stop crying about being dumped in Thailand, you were just a soulless gold digger.

Yuki Choe said...

I saw Sam making that money with his business. I know nothing about Robbie except what is being told to me by Sam. I encouraged him to improve conditions and all he did was to fix air-conditioning. As for Robbie's status, it is still a puzzle. Fortunately, karma has come back. I have built back my life from scratch and thriving in my career. And I stopped crying long time ago, and started living.

However, you are free to assume and have the right to do so. As for me, it is over and I just found out by law our marriage is invalid in my country. Sam is something no longer worth my time thinking about. I am glad it is over. And I know karma is biting him now for what he did to me and Robbie. So you can be rest assured the jerk is getting just dues. :-)